Design-Driven Innovation: Partner with Protosparks for Your Custom Prototype
About Us:
I am a freelance professional specialized in collaborating with software development teams, and my name is Gianmarco Caruso, UX/UI Tech Specialist. I study the technical flow of designing web apps, dashboard platforms, and more, guiding the process from initial design to implementation through interactive prototypes. Established in 2023, Protosparks has built valuable collaborations and successfully executed projects for major brands.
Why Collaborate With Us:
Expertise in conceiving and designing personalized prototypes.
Advanced skills in creating technical flows and functionalities.
Successful collaborations with IT companies and software houses.
Delivery of complete prototypes, ready to be implemented by your development team.
Gianmarco Caruso
Creative Director
Innovation Manager
UX/UI Tech Specialist
During the design phase, you have the opportunity to collaborate with my IT team for
a seamless transition from prototype to full development. Together we ensure project success by providing expert guidance at every stage.
Your Preferred
Development Company
If you have a specific development company in mind, you can take the design of your prototype and entrust the development phase to them. Rest assured, I'll provide all necessary resources and documentation to facilitate a smooth handover.
As your dedicated UX Manager, I can work closely with the development company of your choice. My involvement during the design phase continues, fostering effective communication and coordination between teams.
Collaborazione end-to-end
Durante la fase di progettazione, hai la possibilità di collaborare con il mio team informatico per una transizione senza soluzione di continuità dal prototipo allo sviluppo completo. Insieme garantiamo il successo del progetto, fornendo una guida esperta in ogni fase.
Esplorate il futuro del design con il nostro prototipo UX/UI completo. Ogni dettaglio è curato con maestria per creare un'esperienza coinvolgente e intuitiva. Dal layout all'interazione, trasformiamo le idee in realtà grazie a un design all'avanguardia.
Affidatevi alla nostra esperienza per creare un prototipo che catturi l'attenzione e soddisfi le esigenze dei vostri utenti. Affidatevi a noi per ottenere un'esperienza utente di alta qualità e distinguervi dalla concorrenza.